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2015 | Copyright Wolfgang Schwarzmüller
Vibranota GbR
Chipot-Vuillaume Paris,a la ville de Cremone (verkauft)
In den Galerien präsentieren wir Ihnen die einzelnen Instrumente in Bild und Ton.
Französische Geige von Chipot-Vuillaume gendre de J.B.Vuillaume Paris,
zusätzlicher Zettel “a la ville de Cremone”.
sehr klangschönes Instrument in bester handwerklicher Manier perfekt
gebaut. Schöner Schmelz, ausgeglichen, leichte Ansprache.
Leihgebühr 30€
Kauf 2000€
Jean-Baptiste Chipot-Vuillaume
Violin maker
(1847 – 1892)
Studied with Derazey and later employed by the Colin-Mezin shop before establishing his own shop. The Vuillaume name came from his
marriage to a Stella Vuillaume, who was unrelated to the dealer J.B. Vuillaume.
Chipot-Vuillaume renamed himself from just Chipot, upon marrying a cobbler's daugher whose family name happened to be the same as that
of the great luthier and entrepreneur J.B. Vuillaume. Chipot's success after this soared, as many were fooled by his inclusion in his labels of a
note indicating, falsely, his relation to that great luthier. He died in 1892 due to his 'dissolute' lifestyle according to dictionaries. But his skill
and those of the luthiers working for him were very fine, resulting in many excellent violins from this workshop over a couple of decades. The
shop and rights to the Chipot-Vuillaume name were purchased by Drouin, carrying on the shop's traditional style and quality well into the
Die Spanne reicht vom einfachen Schülerinstrument bis zur konzerttauglichen